Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Morriss Partee CEO of at the 2008 Partnership Symposium

Morriss just wrapped up the final presentation of the day with a session on creating an engaging community.

Here are a few highlights.

This is our time to shine.

Community is not just a business to business thing, its between individual people.

Word of mouth is what worked for credit unions at first. The internet has enabled the spread of word of mouth in a big way.

Mass media has never really worked very well for credit unions.

Facebook has 100 million members.

Facebook would be the 12th largest country in the world if it were a physical country.

The traditional view of marketing is that the CU is in the center of the universe and we are sending out messages at them.

The networked word shows that those members are all connected in some way or another socially.

If we can engage in two way communication, we can become a part of that social network.

"56% of Americans fell a strong connection and better served by a company that is involved in social media."

The relationships that could be formed between front line and member via social media (if it were unblocked) could be much more powerful than marketing messages injected into the social media venue.

7 points of a successfully engaged community:
  1. Have a common bond or purpose
  2. Make them the rock stars
  3. Give them a voice
  4. Make it easy
  5. Its alive (there are people behind the pages)
  6. Make it easy to refer a friend
  7. Merge online and offline communities and activities

well folks, that's all for the traditional sessions for the day. I'll be updating during the Idea eXchange sessions as I get the chance.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us posted here in Maine....

Debra Trautman
Maine Credit Union League

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy!

Fabulous hanging out with you today, and thanks for doing this oustanding write-up of my session! So glad at least one person was paying attention. You did a great job with this summary. I'll post back here once I've uploaded the slides from this talk.

Andy said...


No problem! Maybe next year you could join us :)

@morriss It was awesome seeing you again! You did a great job on your presentation. I'll definitely check the slides once they're up. I loved the cow and the dolphin jumping out of the water, it was an awesome slide and I think it did a good job of illustrating why psycographics are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the slides I used in this presentation.

Andy said...

Thanks for the link Morriss, great slides.

Andy said...

Thank you for the kind words Sheralle! I'm glad you've enjoyed the blog so far, and look forward to having you come back and add your voice to the conversation.