Friday, March 28, 2008

Only One More Week!


One week until BarCampBank New England! I haven't been this excited for something since getting a PS2 for Christmas!

It's being held on the site of the first credit union in the USA. What better place to sit down with some of the people who are changing the credit union movement to brainstorm, discuss, debate, and inform than at America's Credit Union Museum.

I'm really excited to be able to meet some of the big dogs in the blogotwittershpere such as Morriss Partee, Ron Shevlin, Ginny Brady and Gene Blishen as well as some cool people from Andera and Geezeo.

A BarCamp is like no other conference you've ever attended. It offers an opportunity to speak with people rather than be spoken to. It offers the opportunity to bounce ideas around, collaborate, and create relationships with people who are shaping the way the industry will look in the coming years.

If you have the chance (there's still time to sign up!) take the opportunity to come to Manchester on April 5th for what promises to be an incredible experience.

Have an awesome weekend everybody, I hope to see you all next weekend in Manchester, NH.


Anonymous said...

Hi Andy, I'm looking forward to meeting you, too. Didn't Nate design a great logo? It should be a fun and worthwhile day.

Andy said...

I love the logo, Nate did an awesome job on it. should be an awesome day. Really looking forward to some insightful conversation.

Anonymous said...

I have been in marketing for 25 years. I haven't been this excited to participate, but mostly listen, to these web 2.0 topics and much more. I am so impressed with the new talent, like Andy, coming into our industry. Fresh ideas are needed to bring credit unions to Gen Y....

Debra Trautman
ME Credit Union League

Andy said...

Deb, I am really glad you decided to go to BCB. Looking forward to meeting you in person. It definitely promises to be an awesome day of conversation. I'm really looking forward to absorbing as much info as possible, and hopefully throwing in a few pieces myself :)

Anonymous said...

Hey gang,

I am finally back in Massachusetts after an incredible weekend in the Bay Area for BarCampBankSF. I learned a great deal about the Open Space format by watching Frederic Baud moderate. Indeed, this will be a very special event, the more so by getting passionate people to attend. I'm very sorry to report that we've had a few people back out at the last minute including Geezeo, but because of the large success of BCBSF, we gained attention for BCBNE and have gotten at least one additional sign up.

I'm very excited as well for this BarCampBank, and all the best people are going to be here! See you all in Manchester in a few days!

Andy said...

That stinks that Geezeo backed out, I was really looking forward to hearing what they're up to.

Still, this is looking to be a great group of people and should lead to some great conversations.

See ya in a few days Morriss :)

Anonymous said...

Andy, do you have that presentation you showed at BarCampBankNE? It would be great to get ME CUs hooked into?

Debra Trautman

Andy said...


It wasn't really a presentation that I can pass along, more a discussion. I'll be detailing how it went in an upcoming blog post. Wish you could have stayed for it!